My name is Dr. Otto Lehto. Send me an e-mail. I am a philosopher, political economist, public intellectual, and composer.
Curriculum Vitae (Jan 2024): download here.
My current work focuses on PPE, complexity theory, evolutionary theory, political philosophy, basic income, social epistemology, ethics, human enhancement, and naturalism. I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at NYU School of Law’s Classical Liberal Institute (2022-) and an affiliated Junior Researcher at University of Freiburg’s FRIBIS Institute (2021-). I finished my PhD at King’s College London’s Department of Political Economy (2021) on the topic of Complex Adaptation and Permissionless Innovation: An Evolutionary Approach to Universal Basic Income. I earned my BA in English Philology (2009) and MA in Social and Moral Philosophy (2015) from University of Helsinki. I am the recipient of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) LAHP studentship (2017-2019), the Adam Smith Fellowship at George Mason University (2019-2020), and a Templeton Foundation Grant at King’s College London (2020). I have also been a visiting lecturer at University of Arizona’s philosophy department (2020).
I am currently interested in the following topics:
– Philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE)
– anarchism, classical liberalism, and libertarianism
– theories of complexity and self-organization
– evolutionary theory and generalized Darwinism
– (social) epistemology and philosophy of the mind
– semiotics, information theory, and cybernetics
– musicology, aesthetics, and ludology

(Photo credit: Teemu Perhiö, 2013.)
In my free time I compose music and enjoy art and videogames. I was the host of an online interview/talk show called Skyperadio.
Follow me on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter & YouTube:
I have been a long-running member of the Finnish Basic Income Network (BIEN Finland – Suomen perustuloverkosto), whose secretary I was in 2012-2014, and its chairman in 2015-2016.
Come and join the Basic Income Earth Network of Finland:

You can read my earlier (now defunct) blogs (in Finnish):