My name is Dr. Otto Lehto. Send me an e-mail. I am a philosopher, political economist, public intellectual, and composer.
Curriculum Vitae (Jan 2024): download here.
My current work focuses on PPE, complexity theory, evolutionary theory, political philosophy, basic income, social epistemology, ethics, human enhancement, and naturalism. I am currently a postdoctoral research fellow at NYU School of Law’s Classical Liberal Institute (2022-) and an affiliated Junior Researcher at University of Freiburg’s FRIBIS Institute (2021-). I finished my PhD at King’s College London’s Department of Political Economy (2021) on the topic of Complex Adaptation and Permissionless Innovation: An Evolutionary Approach to Universal Basic Income. I earned my BA in English Philology (2009) and MA in Social and Moral Philosophy (2015) from University of Helsinki. I am the recipient of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) LAHP studentship (2017-2019), the Adam Smith Fellowship at George Mason University (2019-2020), and a Templeton Foundation Grant at King’s College London (2020). I have also been a visiting lecturer at University of Arizona’s philosophy department (2020).
I am currently interested in the following topics:
– Philosophy, politics, and economics (PPE)
– anarchism, classical liberalism, and libertarianism
– theories of complexity and self-organization
– evolutionary theory and generalized Darwinism
– (social) epistemology and philosophy of the mind
– semiotics, information theory, and cybernetics
– musicology, aesthetics, and ludology

(Photo credit: Teemu Perhiö, 2013.)
In my free time I compose music and enjoy art and videogames. I was the host of an online interview/talk show called Skyperadio.
Follow me on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter & YouTube:
I have been a long-running member of the Finnish Basic Income Network (BIEN Finland – Suomen perustuloverkosto), whose secretary I was in 2012-2014, and its chairman in 2015-2016.
Come and join the Basic Income Earth Network of Finland:

You can read my earlier (now defunct) blogs (in Finnish):

Dear Otto, I read your paper on line regarding the “Seven Veils of Ishtar”, which you wrote in 2009, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the information you provided. Your research was well presented and I feel that most of what you have interpreted is correct. Of course, as we know, there is much interweaving of the various aspects of the Divine Feminine which Ishtar represents. If you would like to have online communication regarding my own interpretations of Ishtar in relation to your work, I would be happy to connect with you. Thank you for seeking the truth of Ishtar and I can see from your website that you are a seeker of spirit. As above, so below, all things mythological are so much more than myth, and in these changing times all roads lead back to these ancient truths. Many blessings to you ~ Michelle (
I came across your article on “Nothingness as Nihilism – Karatani Kojin and Nishitani Keiji”. I thought you encapsulated and connected the various themes and thoughts on this subject perfectly! It was not only academically interesting but your prose style made it easy to read and enjoyable. I’m currently doing a PhD in existential philosophy and psychology and have recently embarked on the philosophy of Nihilism through Nishitani’s the “Self Overcoming Nihilism” and your piece has certainly whetted my appetite to purse more on the subject.